Taking advantage of coupled-inductor filter network, the requirement of low ripple is achieved without decrease of the dynamic performance of power supply. 利用耦合电感滤波网络,达到低纹波的要求,同时不会破坏原开关电源的动态性能。
Research on Optimum Synthesis and Application of High order Active Filter Network 高阶有源滤波网络的优化综合及其应用
With the methods of theoretical analysis, this paper reveals and researches the result of frequency offset and dynamic bandwidth of a filter network in its amplitude-frequency characteristic. 本文通过理论分析揭示并探讨了滤波网络扫频测量时幅频特性的频率偏移和动态带宽现象的成因。
Traditional noise octave analyzers consist of filter network and weight network based on hardware. 传统的噪声倍频程分析仪由硬件滤波网络和计权网络构成。
Universal active filter network employing current conveyor 电流传送器构成通用的有源滤波网络
There are two kinds of methods that the firewall filter the network message. 防火墙对网络中报文数据的过滤主要有两种。
The design of filter network in equipment to measure the degree of the resonant grounding power network 谐振接地电网脱谐度测量装置中滤波网络的设计
A high-speed amplifier topology with low-pass filter network and its optimization design methodology based on the theory of gain bandwidth restricting condition and the characteristic analysis for low-pass network are proposed in this paper. 提出了一种具有低通网络的高速放大器拓扑,基于增益带宽约束条件和低通网络的特性的研究对高速放大器进行了优化设计。
A new way to Realize Even High Order Filter Network 一种实现偶数高阶滤波网络的新方法
In the whole system structure, the main purpose of pretreatment system is to filter network data packets quickly and accurately to light the burden of intelligent intrusion analysis system. 在整个系统架构中,预处理系统的主要功能是快速准确的过滤网络数据包,从而大大缓解智能入侵分析系统的负担。
This paper presents a new universal active filter network. 介绍了一种利用第二代电流传送器构成通用的电流型有源滤波网络的新型结构,这种网络只需对其无源元件稍加修改便可获得各种所需的二阶有源滤波器。
A method of digital filter network design using observers is presented. 本文介绍利用观测器设计数字滤波网络的方法。
The harmonic characteristics of unipolar, bipolar SPWM wave of single phase, three phase inverter are analyzed. It provides the technical reference for harmonic suppression and filter network design as well as the modulation mode definition. 详细讨论了单相、三相逆变器的单极、双极性SPWM波形的谐波特性,为谐波抑制和滤波网络的设计以及调制模式的确定提供了参考。
The grouping algorithm analysis of FIR filter in network parallel computing FIR滤波器分块并行算法分析
In the firewall design, we use NDIS Intermediate driver technique and obtain the good effect of packet filter on network layer. 在防火墙的设计上,采用NDIS中间驱动设计的技术,能有效的实现对网络层的包过滤,获得很好的防护效果。
Base on the advantage of NP on flexibility, this paper puts forward an implement of 1000M load balance based on NP which achieve the goal of network protocol and ip address filter, network flow balance distribute. 根据NP在灵活性上的优势,本文提出了一个基于IXP2400网络处理器的G级负载均衡器的实现方案,实现了高效的协议、IP过滤和数据均衡分流。
This method consists in providing the required close loop system pole positions, and obtaining a digital filter network satisfying the characteristics of the system; 本方法是先给出系统要求的闭环对象极点位置,然后求得满足系统特性的数字滤波网络;
Digital filter network design by using observers 利用观测器设计数字滤波网络
The New Second Order Filter Network with Continuous Time Current Mode 连续时间电流模式二阶滤波网络
Introducing SPI ( Service Provider Interface) technology to Winsock could insert a layer into Socket, which can finish filter of Qos URL and filter of network data bundle etc, functions. Winsock2版本引入了SPI(ServiceProviderInterface)技术,通过这种技术,可以在Socket中插入一层,从而可以完成Qos、URL过滤及网络数据包过滤等功能。
This paper discusses in detail the theoretical basis of the design from unit circuit to full-pole and multi-feedback filter network circuit, as well as the methods of calculating and debugging the parameters of various subbranch circuits. 文中详细地讨论了由单元电路到全极点多反馈滤波网络电路设计时的理论根据,各支路参数实际的计算和调试方法。
Studies with the security and stability of the passive filter network reconfiguration mode operation of the power supply system have an extremely important role. 研究配电网重构方式下无源滤波器安全和稳定性运行对供配电系统有着极其重要的作用。
By adopting the packet classification algorithm, a wire-speed hardware intrusion detection system with Bloom Filter is designed to filter high-speed network flow and improve the detection throughput dramatically. 基于实现的匹配引擎结合数据报头分类算法设计了高速硬件入侵检测系统,采用Bloomfilter技术对网络流进行高速过滤,提高系统的检测吞吐率。
The LNA circuit is mainly composed of two-stage common-source amplifier and an output buffer. It has realized the input matching by using the LC filter network and obtained lower power consumption and higher gain in the entire frequency band by employing the current reuse technology. 该低噪声放大器电路主要由两级共源放大器和输出缓冲器构成,采用LC滤波网络实现输入匹配,结合电流复用技术,在整个频带内获得了较低的功耗和较高的增益。
In this paper, the VRM model circuit and transformer are designed, and, also, filter network and parameter calculation of coupled-capacitance in series is offered. 本文设计了VRM模型电路。完成了变压器的设计,给出了滤波网络及串联耦合电容的参数计算。
APF not only improve the filtering characteristics of passive filters, but also completely inhibited the resonance between the passive filter and network. Currently, the system has been put into operation. APF不仅改善无源滤波器的滤波特性,而且彻底抑制电网与无源滤波器之间可能发生的谐振。
After testing, the system can well see the system can filter the network gradually, can be very simple to operate and observation, can greatly reduce the occurrence of cyber attacks and fraud. 经过测试,系统能够很好的看到系统可以逐步的对网络进行过滤,可以很简单的进行操作与观察,能在很大程度上减少网络攻击与诈骗的发生。
Finally, we may get the transmission matrix of the filter network through the relationship between the ABCD transmission matrix and the characteristic polynomials. 1. 通过二端口网络的ABCD传输矩阵与特征多项式之间的关系,得到滤波器网络的传输矩阵。
First I designed the traditional PID controller and filter network using the method of expected frequency characteristic and then obtained the corresponding digital controller after selecting a reasonable sample time. 首先利用期望特性法设计了传统PID模拟控制器及滤波网络,并合理选择了采样时间得到了相应的数字控制器。
Chapter 3 to explore the characters a simple filter network information triggered by lax threats. 第3章简单探讨一下字符过滤不严而引发的网络信息威胁。